Thursday, May 17, 2012

Easter Time!

Bree and I spend Easter 2012 with Mom.  She had only had her gall bladder surgery on the previous Tuesday and Dad had to work Easter weekend.  We did not want her to be alone so Bree and I went on a road trip on Thursday night to stay with her.  We stayed through Easter Sunday with her.  Bree attended the Easter Egg hunt at the First Baptist Church and just loved it.  She found lots of eggs filled with candy which she was super excited about since she doesn't get to have much candy.  She was utterly disappointed when she didn't win the door prize but she got over it! She had a lot of candy and eggs to dye to get her mind off of it.  She had a great time coloring eggs.  She was able to help a lot more than last year so she enjoyed it, letting us know the purple and pink were her favorite eggs!  Of course, all weekend we had to hid the eggs for her in the house so she could find them.  It was really hard to leave when we had to go back home after being with Mom and Dad for 4 days and also knowing that Bree helped Mom feel better while recovering from her surgery. 

A Great Book for Women!

                                                                   Cover: She's Got Issues

Cooking dinner. Taking care of the screaming children. We go through the exhaustion of life.  We don't know how to get out of this rut so we just give up and don't try. We women all have issues, as much as we want to try to hide them.  Whether we are controlling, angry, insecure or fearful, we have some issue that we are fighting with almost every single day.  For us to be able to live the life that our Creator designed us to live, we have to bring these issues to light and come to dealing with each of them.  She's Got Issues by Nicole Unice confronts this issues and brings them out into the open.  She describes these issue in detail with a way we can transform ourselves and bring ourselves closer to Christ.

As I read through the issues in this book, I could relate so well to each.  This book has made a great difference in my life and how I have even been dealing with these issues since beginning to read the book.  I love the prayer, journaling exercise, discussion questions at the end of each chapter.  The discussion questions allow us to dig deep inside ourselves and draw out those issues we have. I also love how Nicole uses scripture throughout each chapter reflecting upon each issue and it is also scripture that we can memorize and ponder upon when we are struggling daily.  This would be a wonderful book for a women's study, discussing and supporting each other through our issues. 

Tyndale House publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.